What is eternal life? What is life after death?


A lot of people fear they will die. The afterlife is unknown to a large number of people. Some individuals tame these queries with the simple thought of a “life after death” in which they will experience prosperity, health, sunshine, and tranquility. However, what does the Bible say about eternal life? More precisely, what is everlasting life?

The Bible is not silent

The Bible makes it clear that there is life after death (see, for example, Matthew 25:46, Mark 10:29–30, and John 5:25–29). However, we must also be quite clear that life after death does not equate to an eternal life. A person who experiences life after death and a person who has eternal life vary in a very noticeable yet significant way.

Life is more than the physical

What distinguishes these two from one another? The spiritual reality in your life is the one factor that makes a difference. This world contains just two types of people: those who are spiritually dead in their sins and trespasses but are physically alive (Ephesians 2:1–3), and those who are both spiritually and physically alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:4-6). Everyone who has faith in Jesus is raised to life in Him. They are immortal. How is that possible?

Eternal life is more than life after death

We must understand what eternal life entails. People in our day often imagine that there is a beautiful, calm afterlife that they will visit and explore the instant they pass away. We don’t talk about hell much in our society. A lot of people contest its existence. The dramatic depiction of [those suffering God’s wrath] in torture is not to everyone’s taste (cf. Revelation 14:10-11). How then is eternal life depicted in the Bible, if it exists at all?

Life means to know and walk with God

The most important truth we know about eternal life, is that God is the center of it. The Lord Jesus has eternal life defined in this way: “And this is eternal life, that they know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). To live means to know God. Therefore, if you don’t know God relationally – we are not called to know God merely rationally, but relationally – you aren’t really alive. You live in the physical sense of the term, but spiritually you are dead in your sins (cf. John 8:24). Do you know God through Jesus Christ? Do you know you have received the Lord Jesus Himself (cf. John 1:12)? Do you know God has forgiven your sins? Do you know the power of the Holy Spirit, whereby God changes you into the image of Himself? Does your character reflect His moral attributes?

The already – not yet

A Christian is an extremely fortunate individual. Because he knows God in Christ, he already has eternal life in a way. However, even Christians are currently unable to fully benefit from eternal life. Christians experience hardship. Christians pass away. All Christians should find great consolation in the knowledge that they need not fear death when the time comes to put our bodies off (cf. 2 Peter 1:14). “I am the resurrection and the life,” declared Jesus. Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die, and whoever believes in me will live even though they die (John 11:25–26). God’s children will be with Christ as soon as they pass away in spirit.

This consoling assurance can be found in the final book of the Bible, the Revelation to John: “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” The Spirit exclaims, “They are indeed blessed that they can take a break from their labors because their deeds follow them!” (Rev. 14:13)


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