What is Epiphany?

What is Epiphany?

The feast of the Epiphany has been observed by Christians worldwide since the fourth century. It’s one of the largest events of the year for various churches. What then is commemorated?

The word epiphany is Greek in origin and means “appearance.” Though the focus may vary depending on your location and religious affiliation, three significant occasions are honored.

Christ appeared to the gentiles

First, when the wise men traveled from the East in search of the Messiah, Christ made his appearance to the gentiles. They located the kid by following the star (Matthew 2:1–2). This is seen as a crucial occasion because it demonstrated that Christ had come to rule as both the earth’s ruler and the Messiah for the Jewish people. Because of this, Epiphany is observed in many churches as the feast of the three kings, capping off the customary “12 days of Christmas,” which mark the celebration of Jesus’ birth.

Baptism of Jesus

Jesus’ baptism is also commemorated on Epiphany. The beginning of Jesus’ public ministry occurred at this time. According to Matthew 3:16–17, when Jesus was baptized, “He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him at that moment.” “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased,” a voice from heaven declared.

Jesus begins His earthly ministry and travels the first part of the road to the cross with His baptism. Because the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all seen acting together, it is also seen as a significant occurrence.

The miracle of Cana

Finally, the Canaanite miracle is commemorated. Jesus performed his first miracle with this. This is discussed in John 2:1–11 in the Bible. This is a different kind of “appearance,” as it revealed the divine power working in Jesus for the first time. According to John 2:11, “The first of the signs by which He revealed His glory was what Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee; and His disciples believed in Him.”

Jesus’ appearance

Thus, there are three ways that we commemorate Jesus’ “appearance.” How Jesus publicly showed Himself as God’s Son at His baptism, how He displayed His Divine power when He turned water into wine at His first miracle at Cana, and how Jesus was revealed to the gentiles when the wise men or kings from the East came to adore Him.

The cycle of festivities in the churches aids us in learning more and more about the life and deeds of Jesus. We deepen our understanding and increase in our worship of our Lord alongside Christians from all walks of life.

Is He recognized as the [World King]? As the [Divine Son]? And as [the creator of miracles]?

Read more in What is the Bible?


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