What is a Christian?

What is a Christian?

How does one become a Christian? The term “Christian” was used by the inhabitants of Antioch to refer to Christ’s disciples (Acts 11:26). Thus, to put it succinctly, a Christian is a person who follows Christ. What does following Christ entail, though?

A Christian follows Christ

It first indicates that you [have faith in Christ]. You have faith that He is your Savior. It indicates that even though you think you are a sinner, Christ paid the price for your sins when He died on the cross. On the third day, He rose from the dead, and He is now your Lord. Therefore, a Christian now belongs to Christ the Lord rather than to themselves. You also want to be baptized if this is what you really believe. The sign that you are a follower of Christ is baptism.

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life,” writes Paul in Romans 6:4. This passage describes what it means to be baptized and a part of Christ.

A Christian lives the new life

A Christian, then, is a person who died with Christ and who, as a result, “lives a new life” since they are a part of the resurrected Christ. This is where that fresh life begins. That new life is a gift from God; it is not something you must earn! By the power of the Holy Spirit, you are [being reborn] (See also John 3:1-21). You can now begin following Christ since the Holy Spirit has regenerated you.

Paul therefore states, “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus,” in Romans 6:11–13. Consequently, resist allowing sin to rule your mortal body and force you to give in to its wicked urges. Offer yourself to God as individuals who have been raised from the dead and offer every aspect of yourself to him as a tool of righteousness instead of giving any element of yourself to sin as a tool of wickedness.

A Christian wants to do the will of God

You will desire to obey God’s will and follow Christ if you are alive in Christ. Although a portion of our former selves still yearns to commit sins, we are able to overcome these vices and begin to follow Christ because He gave us the Holy Spirit and new life. Consequently, even though a Christian commits sin, he or she will still make an effort to follow Christ. And so we find ourselves back at the starting point: A follower of Christ is a Christian.

Learn everything there is to know about the Bible at What is the Bible?


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