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What does the fifth command, to honor your father and mother, really mean?

Honor your father and mother” (Exodus 20:12)

All of the commandments are significant, but in the modern world, many people either don’t live in conventional families or have dysfunctional or broken ones, making this commandment even more crucial to take into account.

“So that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you,” reads the second part of the commandment.

God’s purpose in making families

God intended for every kid to be born into a family with a father and a mother who would care for, discipline, teach, and mentor them so that they would grow up in a secure environment and become adults. In biblical times, extended families typically lived close to one another, so grandparents and even great grandparents were considered members of the “family” and accorded honor and respect due to their age as well as their identity. But the Bible doesn’t say that we have to live like a large family. Cultures can differ in this regard. It does, however, emphasize how accountable parents are to their kids.

God wanted parents to teach and [train] their children to understand the creator God and come to have a fellowship and relationship with Him, in addition to the obvious bodily development of children.

God wanted children to respect, obey, listen to, and show honor to their parents in this safe, secure, and godly setting.

A secure nation

God was emphasizing the fact that safe families breed secure nations when He added, “that your days may be long in the land the Lord gives you.” We shall observe that the disintegration of family structures erodes communities, society, and ultimately entire nations.

Everyone will come to the conclusion that the traditional values of honor and respect are vanishing when they consider the situation of the globe as a whole or as specific countries or groups. Not only are older people no longer respected or heard, but they are frequently cut off from their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren entirely.

A New Testament look at fifth commandment

“Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise)” is found in Ephesians 6:2. The efficient operation of a home is covered in this chapter. It reiterates the commandment while highlighting the idea that fathers shouldn’t irritate their kids.

Today’s world

Since they are encouraged to express their own opinions and take action based on their thoughts and feelings, young people nowadays regrettably want to have their own way and will not listen to the counsel of parents, guardians, instructors, or advisors.

Young people’s justification for disregarding or showing disdain for their parents, guardians, and leaders may stem from abuse that they have experienced at the hands of adults, guardians, parents, and those in positions of authority. There are several types of abuse, including verbal, physical, emotional, and sexual.

Is there hope for the world in this downward spiral?

Hope exists wherever life exists. However, if humanity persists in disregarding God’s instructions for existence, the world will eventually come to an end.

Think about how you act and respond to your parents and guardians if you are a child. Even though you may come up with a long list of grievances against them, take a moment to appreciate everything they have done for you instead. We have one mother and one father, yet they are not flawless. So that you may live a long time in the land the Lord grants you, ask God to make it easier for you to obey this order.

If you are a parent, think carefully about the things you do and the ways you respond to your kids. Although it’s unlikely, is it possible that the things you find objectionable in them are also the things you find objectionable in yourself? Have you irritated them and made them avoid you? Before it’s too late, ask God to assist you in mending any rifts in your relationships.

“Honor your parents so that you may live a long life in the land that the Lord, your God, has given you.” The will of God is evident. You and your country as a whole gain from your obedience to it.

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