What does the Bible say about Satan?

Many individuals today claim that the existence of Satan is a fable that was believed by ancient people. This is untrue, as the Bible makes it very evident what Satan is like, how powerful he is now, and how Jesus ultimately defeats him. Actually, Jesus Himself was the one person in the Bible who spoke about and confronted Satan the most.

Where the story begins

The story starts in Genesis in the Garden of Eden, when Eve was enticed to disobey God by eating the fruit in the middle of the garden by the tempter—another name for Satan or the devil—in the shape of a serpent (Genesis 3:1–6). This resulted in the curse of God against humanity, the entry of sin into the world, and the judgment of death. Additionally, God cursed Satan, and Genesis 3:15 promises that a son of Eve will eventually smash the serpent’s head.

The crushing of Satan

Jesus achieved the tremendous task of defeating Satan. The gospel writers demonstrate that during the course of 40 days in the desert, Jesus successfully resisted the devil, in contrast to Adam and Eve (Matthew 4:1-11). By delivering, curing, and restoring individuals under the wicked one’s control, Jesus demonstrated his power over Satan and his demons (see, for instance, Mark 5:1–20). By defeating Satan on the cross and rising from the dead, Jesus restored humanity and reversed the deadly consequences of the fall.

Satan still exercises control

These days, Satan still has the ability to entice Christians and physically hurt them, in addition to having sway over the hearts and minds of non-Christians. He sows havoc and orchestrates wickedness over the entire earth. However, we have the sincere hope that Jesus has triumphed; His Word and Spirit enable us to oppose the adversary, and in the end, Satan and his army will perish and be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:7–10).

What is Satan like?

Popular perceptions of Satan as a devil with horns and a pitchfork are not supported by the Bible in terms of who he is and what he is like. The Bible does not support the notion that we must fend off the devil by using superstitious charms or unique items like crucifixes. The Bible does not explicitly state that Satan was an angel who defied God and fell from heaven before the earth was created, but it does support the idea in verses like Isaiah 14:12–14, Ezekiel 28:11–19, and Luke 10:18.

God is in control

The Bible makes it clear that God is in complete control at all times. The devil and his demons are constrained by and accountable to God, as we learn in Job 1. The New Testament identifies Jesus as the only genuine deliverer for Christians rather than portraying individuals battling the devil or demons on their own. “Our Father… deliver us from the evil one, for yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever, Amen,” is a daily prayer said by Christians around the world (Matthew 6:9-13).

Thanks to GospelImages for the painting.


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