What does the Bible say about having a relationship, dating or courting?

What does the Bible say about having a relationship, dating or courting?

Are you trying to find your true love? Let’s consider it for a little while. First of all, searching for the love of your life or for friendship or companionship is not abnormal. Humans are relational creatures. That is the way God made us. We are social beings by nature. Therefore, if we consider seeking an intimate connection that culminates in marriage, we find that the Bible provides us with a set of guidelines.

The love for Jesus has the highest priority

It’s critical to understand that there is only one relationship that matters truly before considering romance or relationships between individuals. It is our relationship with God via Jesus Christ, and it is the most significant one. As stated by Our Lord Himself:

“A person cannot be my disciple if he comes to me and does not despise his own mother, father, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and yes, even his own life. I cannot call anyone a disciple of mine until they take up their own cross and follow me.” (Luke 14:26–27)

Our top priority must be our relationship with God via Jesus Christ. A life based on the Word of God and guided by the Holy Spirit is required of a Christian. A Christian’s love must be pure and unadulterated, and that love is for Jesus Christ.

The goal of marriage

Understanding God’s plan for marriage is essential if we wish to establish a connection with someone and eventually get married. Aside from Jesus Christ, marriage has no purpose whatsoever. It is God’s desire for the Christian to become more like His Son. God provides a man to a woman to grow into [the likeness of Christ] through marriage. God created marriage to be between one man and one woman, and both have duties that they must carry out.

The love that Christ has for His spouse, the Church, is symbolized by the spiritual significance of marriage. Since Christ gave His life for her, the husband must also give his life to ensure his wife’s wellbeing. Since the Church submits to her Lord and King, the wife must also submit to her husband’s headship. She must do this without acting as a slave and instead as a person who recognizes her husband as a gift from God, with the duty to guide her spiritually and look out for her best interests.

How can I know whom I should marry?

God rarely uses paranormal signals to reveal to us who we should marry. However, as we [develop] in our Christian walk, we will make decisions based on God’s wisdom rather than whimsy. Seeking wise guidance from our experienced Christian friends can also be beneficial as they can ensure that our feelings don’t push us to make rash or unreasonable judgments. Determining the qualities we would like to see in a future spouse is also useful. Here are some (not all-inclusive) suggestions to assist you assess whether or not the person is a good fit for you.

  • Is the individual a Christian? We are aware that the Bible forbids Christians from having an unequal yoked relationship with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14), a warning that also applies to marriage.
  • Does this person’s religion seem to be advancing or stalling? When you make your choice, take his spiritual devotion into account. Is he based on God’s Word? What is his level of prayer life? Does he regularly go to church services? Are the fruit of the Spirit showing itself to you? (Galatians 5:22–23).
  • Do you think this individual is trustworthy? What is his character like? Take a look at his interpersonal interactions. Does he have the respect of everyone he meets? Has he shown others respect (1 Peter 2:17)?
  • Are you fond of this individual? Do you find it enjoyable to be around him or her? Are you able to be more than just lovers?
  • Can this individual carry out the function that God has given him in marriage? Will he provide your kids with decent parenting and be a [nice husband]? Will she raise your kids well and be a [nice wife]?
  • Find out what your friends and family think of your prospective partner—they are the people who know you the best—by asking them. Even though your friends might be mistaken, they might be able to offer some perspective on the matter that you might not be able to.

Are you trying to find a partner for marriage? Then, be sure that you are first joined to the heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, via faith!


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