What does it mean to be born of Water and Spirit?

What does it mean to be born of water and spirit?

There are times when we hear of “born again Christians,” and some Christians identify as “born again.” What does the term “born again” mean and where did it originate? Jesus uses the phrase “born again” in the third chapter of the book of John to describe himself to Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader, as He explains what it means to see the kingdom of God:

“”Very truly I tell you, unless one is born again, no one can see the kingdom of God,” Jesus said Nicodemus.

“How can an elderly person be born?” Nicodemus enquired. “There’s no way they could possibly enter their mother’s womb again to give birth!”

In response, Jesus said, “I assure you that anybody who is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God. While the Spirit gives birth to spirit, the flesh gives birth to flesh. When I tell you that you have to be born again, you shouldn’t be shocked. Wherever the wind pleases, it blows. Though you can hear its sound, you are unable to determine its source or direction. That also applies to all those who are Spirit-born. (John 3:3–8)

Water and spirit

Jesus explains that in order to be “born again,” we must be both born of the Spirit and of water. Some believe that Jesus is alluding to the two prerequisites for salvation—baptism (water) and spiritual development (spirit). Some believe that spirit and water represent spiritual and physical birth, respectively. Jesus’ statement that he was “born of water and born of the Spirit” is more likely to mean that spiritual rebirth is what both water and spirit signify.

Ezekiel’s prophecy

Ezekiel 36:25–27 is a well-known Old Testament chapter that Nicodemus should have been familiar with. This verse uses the metaphor of washing with water to represent spiritual cleansing:

“You will be clean when I sprinkling you with pure water. You shall be purified by me of all your vices and idols. I will remove your stone heart and give you a flesh heart; I will give you a new heart and establish a new spirit within you. And I will instill my Spirit in you, causing you to carefully observe my laws and obey my decrees. (Ezekiel 36:25–27)

When Jesus explained what he meant by “born again,” Nicodemus ought to have noticed this allusion to the Old Testament and realized that he was talking about the water and spirit that are described in Ezekiel 36. Being born again is receiving a fresh start in life and having sin and impurities removed from your heart.

A work of the Spirit

How can one get this fresh start in spirituality and absolution from sin? It is not by working extremely hard to follow God’s commands, as some of the followers of Jesus thought. The only one who can experience a new birth is the Spirit of God. How is a person born again by the power of the Holy Spirit? We’re not sure. The Spirit is like the wind, according to Jesus. He is invisible to us, and we have no idea where He is going or how He got there. However, we are aware of the Spirit’s impact! We can sense the difference between Spirit and no Spirit, just like the wind!

The phrase “Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God” refers to everyone who is born again (born of water and born of the Spirit) who seeks light and truth before coming to Christ. (John 3:11)

Spiritual death

But those who have not experienced a spiritual awakening refuse to follow Christ out of fear that He would reveal their transgressions: “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.” (John 3:18)

Do you wish to witness God’s kingdom? Would you like a fresh start in life and to be freed from sin? In your prayers, seek the Lord Jesus and ask for the transformation that can only come from His Spirit.


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