What does it mean to be blessed by God and others?


The word “blessing” is lovely and has various meanings. Let’s examine a few instances from the Bible to gain a better understanding of what blessings are.

The first blessing in the Bible

Genesis 1:27–28, which records the first instance of human blessing, occurs immediately after God creates man. Therefore, God made both males and females in His image, creating humanity in the likeness of Himself. God gave them blessings and commanded them to “be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” This illustrates how blessings are manifestations of [God’s favor] and His desire to work out His good plans for individuals. Strong undertones of prosperity, health, and happiness are also present.

To obey is to be blessed

You see this in another famous passage about blessing, Deuteronomy 28. Here God gives the nation of Israel a choice. If they obey Him, they will experience all kinds of blessings in their daily life. Read for example verses 3-6. “You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.” However, disobedience would lead to a curse on everything, the opposite of blessing. This shows what God’s intention was for His people. He wanted them to enjoy every good thing. Sin made this impossible. His people chose to go against their God, and misery followed.

Jesus talks about a spiritual blessing

We notice that [the spiritual aspect of blessing] becomes increasingly evident in the New Testament. Jesus refers to people who are grieving, being persecuted, and experiencing injustice as blessed in Matthew 5. For God will amply repay them for their suffering. He also talks about people who are humble, impoverished in spirit, pure in heart, and peacemakers. They will inherit God’s kingdom and have the unique benefits of a close relationship with God.

Being blessed by God is everlasting

And unlike worldly gifts, these blessings endure beyond this life and are not contingent on our circumstances. In Ephesians 1, Paul discusses all of these spiritual benefits. The fact that we were pre-selected by God, accepted into His family, had our sins forgiven, and so forth.

Blessing in church

When God gives us a blessing, it indicates that He sees us with favor and affection, does good deeds for us, provides for us, and bestows upon us unmerited spiritual benefits. This blessing is bestowed upon us by the Bible, the blessing that is spoken over us [during church], the blessing that Paul uses at the conclusion of his letter (2 Corinthians 13:14), or the blessing that Aaron bestowed upon Israel (Numbers 6:24–26).

Being blessed by blessing others

We can bless one another as well. It even instructs us to bless our adversaries. The benefit we bestow comes from our spiritual right as Christians to serve as earthly priests. Naturally, we are powerless to make God do anything in a person’s life. But we take four actions when we bless someone else:

  1. We remind them of God’s love and grace
  2. Whether they are an opponent or a friend, we make it our mission to want what is best for them.
  3. A spoken blessing is a request to God to intervene on the individual’s behalf.
  4. We promise to act in this person’s best interests.

Showing God’s blessing to others

Frequently, we serve as the conduits via which others receive God’s favor. Think about Romans 12:14 and 12:20. “Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse… feed your enemy when he is hungry, and give him something to drink if he is thirsty.” Therefore, do not limit your blessings to words. Say a prayer with or for this individual. Assist them when they need it. Share meals, company, and time. Defend them. People will be able to taste and perceive that God is good to them as a result of the spiritual blessings that God bestows upon them in this way.


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