What does it mean that God is omniscient?

What does it mean that God is omniscient?

Is God truly all-knowing? All that I think, all that I do? Yes, the Bible repeatedly teaches us that. Let us concentrate on Psalm 139, one chapter.

God knows when we sin

The phrase “omniscient” simply means “God knows everything,” yet it seems complex. David, the author of Psalm 139, wasn’t always at ease with the idea of asking, “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where am I going to hide from you? You are in paradise, if I ascend there! You’re there if I make my bed in Sheol! (Psalm 139:7-8). It’s evident that David experienced moments when he desired to escape God’s presence. We would wish to hide our sins from God (and man) when we sin and do not repent. There is a belief found in many religions that your sin is invisible if no one sees it.

He forgives us when we go to Him and confess our sins

However, the Bible teaches us otherwise, and David was aware of this from the beginning: God is all-knowing and although we may not be aware of our sins, God is!

Yet, Psalm 139 is loved by many Christians. Why? Because there is the other side of God’s knowledge. If we have surrendered to God and have got to know Him through Jesus Christ, His Son, then we learn that He is a merciful God. He forgives when we go to Him and confess our sins. Then we have a Father in heaven who takes cares of us and promises us eternal life. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:39). And when we live in this relationship of love with the Father through his Son Jesus Christ, we suddenly see how Gods knowledge becomes a deep comfort. All of a sudden we realize that God knows our whole life, He will carry us through. When we sin, we may flee to Him for forgiveness and make a new start every day. And we know that nothing is stronger than He is, nothing can separate us from Him, He is with us all the time! Clearly this is what David learned and what caused him to write this beautiful Psalm.

God is always there

God is present everywhere, at all times, and under all conditions. We are never by ourselves. He is aware of our joys, our frailties, and our worries. Even when we are unaware of them, He is aware of our needs and desires. He has a better understanding of us than we do. Who can oppose us when God is on our side? (Romans 8:31)

David continues the psalm with praise for God’s deep knowledge:

My unformed body was visible to your sight, and every day that was predetermined for me was recorded in your book before it ever happened. God, how precious your thoughts are to me! How enormous is the total of them! If I were to count them, they would surpass the number of grains of sand—I am still with you when I awaken. (Psalm 139:16–18)

Even in his final plea, “Search me, O God, and know my heart,” he expresses how much peace it brings him to know that God is fully aware of himself. (Psalm 139:23). Realizing that God knows everything about us would also gladden our hearts if we know and love Him.


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