What does God teach us in the book of Hosea?

What does God teach us in the book of Hosea?

From 753 until 715 BC, Hosea served as a prophet to the northern Kingdom of Israel. His life serves as the northern Kingdom’s visual guide.

Hosea and his wife

God gave Hosea instructions to marry Gomer, a prostitute. God gave the names of the children she had with Hosea: “Jezreel” as a punishment for Israel’s massacre at Jezreel; “Lo-Ruhamah” (meaning “not loved”) as a warning that God will no longer show love to Israel; and “Lo-Ammi” (meaning “not my people,” as God declared, “You are not my people and I am not your God”). (Hosea 1:19)

Israel guilty of prostitution

Gomer eventually deserts him to go back into prostitution, and God commands Hosea to track her down and bring her back to be his wife. Hosea accuses Israel of becoming prostitutes because, although they initially loved and served God, they eventually drifted away and began to worship and serve other gods, forgetting the God who had first shown them love. Hosea claims that God had redeemed Israel to be His people.

Various trials

The poor were being [oppressed and] forced into slavery. God dealt them many tribulations, such as a drought and enemy defeat. He had dispatched prophets to Israel to call them back to worshiping Him and to warn them of the dangers of disobeying God. The northern Kingdom was ultimately captured by Assyria and never brought back to the Lord.

Turning back to God

The message of Chapter 14 is one of blessing for turning from sin and wandering toward God and begging for His pardon. Hosea shows us that God is gracious to His people, even to those who have strayed far from Him. He exhorts them to turn back to Him, confess their sins, and seek His face. Sin always has repercussions, but God’s love is unfailing.

Read more in What is the Bible?


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