Were Adam and Eve allowed to have children?

snake with forbidden fruit

They were, indeed. After creating man and woman in His likeness, God commanded them to procreate, saying, “And God blessed them.” God then commanded them to “be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over all living things that move on the earth, including the birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea.” (See Genesis 1:28). Having kids is a wonderful aspect of God’s creation. He created the earth with the aim that it would be inhabited by living things. Both humans and animals (Genesis 1:21-22). “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward,” according to Psalm 127 (Psalm 127:3).

First parents on the earth

But Adam and Eve didn’t start a family until after the Fall. Having children was now a difficult affair due to their disobedience against God (Genesis 3:16). And after their boys were grown, Adam and Eve experienced a great deal of anguish. After the oldest son Cain killed his younger brother Abel (Genesis 14:8), God banished him (Genesis 4:12). Two sons were lost in a single day by the first parents on Earth!

Despite the fact that Adam and Eve found having children to be extremely painful, having children has gained new significance once God made the enormous promise recorded in Genesis 3:15. “I will sow discord between you and the woman, and between your descendants and her descendants; you will bruise his heel, and he will bruise your head.” This implies that the power of Satan would be subdued by a descendant of Adam and Eve.

God promised offspring

“And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and called him Seth, for she said, ‘God has appointed for me another offspring instead of Abel, because Cain killed him,’” God fulfilled this promise in their lives despite their losing two sons. (Read Genesis 4:25).

Thank God that He fulfilled his promise to Adam and Eve and that, after many generations, Jesus was born (under really trying circumstances!) to bring us our reconciliation with the Almighty. God gave the humans the instruction to populate the earth at the beginning. This has now taken place. Afterwards, He declared that the Messiah will arrive. This has also turned out to be true. The greatest gift that God can give a marriage today is a child (after salvation itself, of course).

Difficult but joyful

Raising children might be one of the hardest tasks on the planet, but they can also bring a great deal of joy, contentment, and life, as all parents know. Additionally, married couples who are aware of God have the amazing chance to disciple a new generation!

Read more in What is the Bible?


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