What is the true meaning of Christmas?

The real significance of Christmas is that God loves the world so much that he offered his one and only Son, promising eternal life to everyone who believes in him. (John 3:16)

The real meaning of Christmas is that the snake’s head has been bruised by the progeny of the woman. Genesis 3:14–15

The real significance of Christmas is that, via Abraham’s one seed, God is favoring every people on the planet. (See Genesis 12:1-3)

The fact that a branch from Jesse’s roots and a shoot from his stump bear fruit is the real meaning of Christmas. And upon him rests the Spirit of the LORD, the Spirit of knowledge and [the fear of the LORD], the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. (Isaiah 11:1–2)

The real meaning of Christmas is that light has dawned on those who lived in a place of deep darkness and has seen a great light for those who wandered in darkness. (Isaiah 2:1)

The real significance of Christmas is that a son is given to us and a child is born. This son will rule over us and be known as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

The arrival of the true light, which enlightens everyone, is the actual meaning of Christmas. (John 1:9)

The fact that the Word [became human] and dwelt among us is the genuine meaning of Christmas. (John 1:14)

The actual meaning of Christmas is that peace exists among people who please God and that praise is given to him in the highest heavens. Luke 2:14

The real significance of Christmas lies in the fact that we have witnessed the salvation that God has prepared in front of all peoples—a light that will reveal Himself to the Gentiles and bring honor to his people, the Israelites. Luke 2:30–32

The good news that everyone will be happy is the genuine essence of Christmas. Because Christ the Lord, your Savior, is born in the city of David. Luke 2:10–11

The birth of Jesus, who [rescues his people from their sins], is the real significance of Christmas. (Matthew 2:11)

The real significance of Christmas is that, while existing in the divine form, Christ Jesus humbled Himself, took on the form of a servant, and was born in human likeness. Instead of viewing equality with God as something to be acquired. (See Philippians 2:5-7.)

The real significance of Christmas is that Jesus descended from heaven to fulfill the will of God, who sent him, rather than his own. God’s will is for everyone who believes in the Son to have eternal life, and on the final day, Jesus will resurrect that person from the dead. (John 6:38–40)


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