Why spend time alone with God?

Why spend time alone with God?

An essential component of the Christian life is time spent with God. Without it, we resemble dead or dying wood that has been severed from the living tree. Time spent with God ought to be ingrained in a Christian’s life. In order to better understand our Father, Master, and Friend and to learn what He expects of us, we want to spend time with Him. In this manner, we will be able to win His favor, savor His friendship, and grow closer to Him.

God may sometimes discipline us

When a child stays away from their father, it’s usually because they are scared, feel guilty, or think the father has done something that has made them angry or unreliable. Perhaps the father was harsh, abusive, or uninterested in the child; alternatively, perhaps the child was reprimanded for a mistake. Because of our transgressions, the Lord may occasionally punish us as His children. However, we may be certain that He will never mistreat us or turn away from us. Only until we spend time with God can we really understand how much He loves us today, and God can never love us more than He does.

Like breathing

Spending time with God should become as automatic as breathing. It is a lifeline for our Christian life, the road to spiritual maturity and the path of peace and joy. God desires not only that we spend time with Him reading His word and praying, talking with Him. His desire for us is that we will live consciously in His presence all the time, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Psalm 16:11 says: “In your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures for evermore.Psalm 27:4 adds: “One thing I ask from the Lord … that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord.” There are many similar verses, talking about living in God’s presence. Just like the air all around us, the Lord is constantly with us through the Holy spirit. Jesus Himself promises “I will be with you always” (Matthew 28:20).

He is by our side at all times. To constantly be able to please Him, enjoy Him, and quickly turn to Him in times of adversity, temptation, or testing, or when we need advice, aid, or encouragement, we need to cultivate our consciousness of His presence. He is a continual source of solace, support, and calm in the face of confusion or chaos all around us. He will always be our pillar of support and safety. Why limit yourself to 15 minutes or 30 minutes of “quiet time”? God calls us to live in daily, continuous communion with Him, and ultimately, eternal life in heaven. Then we shall see Him directly!


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