Those who reject God as King will be judged

“Come, ye blessed of my Father, take your rightful place in the kingdom that I have set aside from the beginning of time. You cursed one, depart from me and into the never-ending flames that the devil and his angels have prepared. (Mark 25:34, Mark 25:41)

We read yesterday that God’s Kingdom is like a joyous supper. But today I want to emphasize that turning down God’s invitation means more than just feeling like you’re missing out on a party. This will help you avoid blind spots. There are grave repercussions when one rejects God.

Jesus uses yet another parable to clarify this. This time, the story revolves around a nobleman who wins a kingdom. However, some citizens oppose his rule over them and have unsuccessfully sent a delegation to argue their case. Following his coronation, the nobleman commands his attendants to gather and execute his opponents, who opposed his rule over them (Luke 19:27).

Doesn’t this sound rather brutal? However, if this is how human kings respond, then what will happen to those who reject God, who is both their Creator and legitimate king? He’ll cast them into the never-ending inferno that the devil and his angels have been assigned. It will be terrible to have to spend all of eternity with the “king” they chose to rule over God.

Make sure you accept God’s offer to join His Kingdom as a citizen!


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