What does the second commandment teach us?

What does the second commandment teach us?

First of all let’s see what the second commandment says:

It is forbidden for you to create an idol for yourself that resembles anything from heaven above to earth below or from the sea below. You are not to worship them or bow down to them because I, the LORD your God, am a vengeful God who punishes the offspring of the fathers’ sins to the third and fourth generation of my enemies while giving love to a thousand [generations] of my followers. (Exodus 20:4-6)

Simplified version of the second commandment

This commandment, together with the others, was given by God to Moses at Mount Sinai. At that time the surrounding nations worshiped many ‘gods’ together with a supreme ‘god’ (represented by idols) who they believed controlled the different aspects of their life. To ensure that they had the favor of these ‘gods’, they believed they had to appease them in various ways. In the second commandment God was telling Moses that He is different from these so-called ‘gods’. He is not limited and finite. Nothing in the visible realm can capture who He is and what He is like. In one sense, every visible thing reflects His nature and wisdom; for all of it is His handiwork. But in another sense, nothing can adequately represent who He is. He is too big to be understood in terms of any finite thing in the natural order. If we make an image, it will be some other god of our own imagination.

What it teaches

The second commandment instructs us to worship God in His authentic form. Jesus also taught this: “But the time is near, and the moment is now, when the sincere worshippers will honor the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is looking for such worshippers.” Because God is Spirit, people who worship Him must do it in truth and spirit (John 4:23–24).

God is not an idol created by humans. He is Spirit. God must reveal Himself to us in order for us to understand the true nature of who He is. The Ten Commandments were one way that God showed Himself to the Israelites. They knew that God was good, holy, and [righteous]. God has revealed Himself to us more clearly through Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God’s word.

People prefer to worship other ‘gods’

Despite this unambiguous revelation of God, many still choose to worship other people’s creations as opposed to the Real and True God. These “gods” might represent anything, including wealth, pleasure, and power. An idol is something that replaces God in our lives. Those who adore idols are egotistical. They have no regard for God and only want to satisfy themselves.

Even if followers of the New Testament are not required to follow the Old Testament law strictly, the second commandment and all of God’s other laws remain important. In addition to keeping us out of trouble with ourselves, our family, friends, and neighbors, they also keep us in touch with God. God wants everyone to live in harmony and peace with one another, and He knows what is best for each and every one of us.


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