The Meaning of Life: Worship!

“For God has given insight, knowledge, and delight to the one who pleases him.” (Ecclesiastes 2:16)

Solomon only hints here at what the whole point is of our existence. But let’s make sure we don’t miss the point! He says that if we please God, that is to be our meaning and purpose in life.
All the other things we’ve considered are about us trying to please ourselves. These things might not be wrong in and of themselves, but they are not our raison d’etre. Even our own happiness isn’t what life is all about.
Our focus should be upon Almighty God. If we want to find meaning, we need look no further than our Maker. A machine’s purpose is whatever its maker designed it for. We might be more than machines, but as beings created in the image and likeness of God, we need to look to Him for purpose.

Is God being self-centered by wanting our devotion and worship? No, because we are not worthy of Him, and He is. On the cross, the Son of David, whose Kingdom never ends, offered His life in our place. Thus, it is not excessive for Him to demand everything from us. We live, move, and have our existence in Him, after all. “We worship You today in the powerful name of Jesus, amen,” says the glorious Father in heaven, acknowledging You as the source of all meaning.


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