The Lord Jesus does not leave His children

“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.” (Revelation 22:20-21)

The last words of the Bible are by no means a farewell. Rather, we read here that the Lord Jesus will come back to earth! What an encouraging conclusion to the Bible! The book is closed; nothing more can be added to it. But the ‘story’ of God with humans has not ended. An eternal future still awaits in which the Lord God will dwell among men on a new, perfect earth. This last chapter of the Bible writes wonderful things about that. On the new earth there will be a pure river of living water. The ‘tree of life’ is there, too. There won’t be darkness anymore. But most important of all: there God the Father and the Lord Jesus sit on Their throne, and all people who believe in Them may be in Their presence forever.

This carries a warning: according to Revelation 22:15, those who reject God and refuse to live in accordance with His will have no place on the new earth. Therefore, it is crucial that you have a good relationship with the Lord God before you pass away! This Bible book’s author, John, is excited for Jesus to return. “Amen, Come Lord Jesus!” he exclaims. Is that also your desire? What can you do to make that desire stronger?


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