The existence of hell makes it possible to endure suffering

“Yes, God thinks it just to relieve those who afflict you of your troubles and to repay those who afflict you with suffering.” 1:1–6-7 in 2 Thessalonians

Jesus warned His disciples that they would face hatred from the world while He was still on earth teaching them. Indeed, a great number of Christians throughout the world attest to the fact that following Christ is challenging and risky. Furthermore, even if we are personally pain-free, we read in the news about terrible suffering brought on other people. We get a peek of heaven in the book of Revelation. “Those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne” are among them. “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” these people cried out to God, demanding justice. (Revelation 6:10).

Paul discusses the same subject in his second epistle to the Thessalonians. His readers bear the consequences of their beliefs as well. However, since God will bring about justice, they can continue to be steady and trusting without taking revenge on one another. Paul speaks to everyone’s sense of justice by saying that those who intentionally cause suffering for others ought to be held accountable for their actions. The Bible tells us that they will. According to Psalm 98:9, God will judge the people fairly and the world with righteousness. Do you struggle with wanting to exact revenge on someone for wrongs done to you or to them? How do you communicate these emotions? Does this matter whether or not hell exists?


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