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The church is a place to find role models

What happens in a church service

“Imitate me as I imitate Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1

As a missionary, the apostle Paul preached the gospel to people who had never heard it before. His ministry led many people to faith. However, at first, they resembled “babies in the faith.” They need much education. They were surrounded by unbelievers and had conducted their lives in accordance with worldly standards up to that point. They therefore required role models to demonstrate to them what Christian living is all about.

Paul portrays himself as one of these role models. He behaved in a “holy, righteous, and blameless” manner while sharing the gospel with these people (1 Thessalonians 2:10). He now exhorts them to emulate this conduct in the same way that Paul emulates Christ.

To serve as mentors and educators for ourselves, we also require godly men and women who are older than we are. These role models are great to find at your local church. They can encourage and instruct us “to walk in a manner worthy of God,” much like dads and mothers do in the Christian life (1 Thessalonians 2:12).

Do you have role models to guide you?

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