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What does God teach us in the book of Joshua?

What does God teach us in Joshua?

The Old Testament book of Joshua describes the moment when Israel’s ancestors finally set foot on the land that God had promised to Abraham.

Joshua’s book has a lot to teach us. The principal ones are listed here.

1. God is faithful to His promises

God [remains true to His word]. It will take all the time he needs to fulfill them. God gives Joshua the order to go and seize the country that He had promised to their forefathers in chapter 1, and He also assures Joshua that He will be with him wherever he goes.

2. God is merciful

God is merciful to everyone who asks for assistance. The tale of Rahab, a prostitute, who concealed and shielded two Israelite spies is told in Chapter 2. Rahab prayed to God to extend mercy to her and her family after learning of the existence and might of the God of Israel. She and her family were saved, and God rewarded her faith.

3. God is our commander and leader

Our captain and commander is God. Joshua met with the commander of the army of the LORD (God Himself in the guise of a soldier) in chapter 5. Joshua was assured by Him that He would guide them to victory. In addition, he is the one who guards, leads, and leads us. Just as troops in the army obey their commanding authorities, so too must we obey him.

4. Disobedience will be punished

Disobedience to God’s laws will be punished. Chapter 6 covers the account of Israel defeating Jericho. God told them that all of the plunder from Jericho was to be given to God. Achan disobeyed God and kept some things for himself and hid them. As a result Israel was defeated in next battle they fought. God exposed Achan’s sin and he and his family were stoned to death. We must remember that God is constantly watching over us, to protect us and to keep us close to Him. When we sin, He will expose our sin and deal with it. Sometimes we may be the only one who suffers for our sin, but on occasions others may suffer too, just as Israel and Achan’s family suffered. God will not ignore the sins of His people.

5. God does amazing things

In the book of Joshua, God shows His people some incredible feats. Even though he is our God, he is still capable of doing incredible things for us.

6. We have to obey God

Near the end of his life, Joshua reminds the people of Israel of all that God has done for them and warns them to continue to obey God, not to follow the example of the nations around them, or compromise their worship of God in any way. If they did, they would begin to fall away from God and they would be punished and God would bring many disasters upon them. This is exactly what happened. As Christians we must obey all that God has said in His word. The result of Israel’s faithlessness is proof that God fulfills His threats to punish. But also, when Israel was faithful, God fulfilled His promises to bless. The Lord desires to bless His people when they live in obedience to him.

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