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Seeing God’s hand in creation

I don't believe in the resurrection of Jesus because..

“When I think about your heavens and the deeds of your fingers…” How beautiful is your name across the entire earth, Lord, our Lord! (Psalm 8:3,9)

God made a stunning creation. A visual feast is provided by rippling waterways, colorful birds, and blossoming trees. But it’s not just that. The Creator, who summoned all of everything into being, is shown to us through creation. He spoke it, and it materialized. He is incredibly strong and imaginative!

The sky, with their astounding quantity of stars, are another feature of creation that Psalm 8 states that demonstrates to us how mighty God is. The heavens and the earth are both “the work of His fingers.” Even the stars are known to him by name (Psalm 147:4). Someone has to be exceptionally talented and remarkable in order to be able to develop and maintain all of this!

The world has been impacted by sin. This restricts the amount of information about God that creation may teach us. However, even this restricted understanding is enough to hold people responsible if they reject God and follow their own immoral life objectives: Since the beginning of time, it has been possible to plainly observe God’s invisible characteristics, namely His eternal power and divine nature, in all that has been created. Therefore, they have no defense (Romans 1:20).

When you look at God’s creation, what do you see?

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