Ruth’s reputation

And now, do not be afraid, my daughter. I will fulfill all of your requests since I know you are a deserving woman and so do my fellow town residents. Ruth 3:11

Because Ruth is a Moabite lady, she is particularly open to rumors and criticism in the society of that day. The Moabites were, after all, Israel’s adversaries! People who, for whatever reason, belong to a minority nonetheless face a higher likelihood of unfavorable judgment. The fact that Boaz claims Ruth is regarded as a “woman of strength” makes this claim even more astounding. The Hebrew term that is employed here denotes a brave and selfless nature. Ruth 2:1 uses the same term, “a worthy man,” to describe Boaz, who was also a man of courage and integrity.

The Bible emphasizes your character, inner beauty, and relationship with the Lord God, who is the source of your entire existence. This is more significant than how you seem on the outside: according to Proverbs 31:30, “A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised; charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain.”

In Bethlehem, people were aware that Ruth was one such woman. How well-known are you in your community, family, and social group? It matters that others “see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16) rather than that they compliment you.

Is that the case with you?


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