Should you obey the pastor?

Should you obey the pastor?

Indeed, to put it succinctly, even though the Bible goes into further detail.

Lead the flock

We should obey pastors and elders because they have been entrusted with the duty of leading and tending to the flock, which consists of Christians and churchgoers (Romans 13:1-2, Hebrews 13:17). They occupy a unique status, much as Moses represented God to the Israelites. They will receive harsher punishment than non-leaders if they offend or do anything wrong (James 3:1).

Manipulate people

But occasionally, a pastor or elder may start using their authority for personal gain. Occasionally, they may attempt to coerce others into following them by claiming that “God says” or “the Bible says,” but in reality, what they are really doing is trying to influence others to act in a way that has nothing to do with God. For this reason, it is crucial that every member of the church reads, comprehends, and knows what the Bible says. However, criticizing or making accusations against a leader that God has appointed is a grave offense.

Accusation against a leader

According to 1 Timothy 5:19, there must be multiple witnesses for a charge against a leader. In the event that we believe our pastor is in error, there are a few procedures we must adhere to in order to settle the matter. Matthew 18:15–20 deals with this matter:

  1. make sure you have all the facts right;
  2. First, go to the pastor, elder, or other leader you believe is at fault and explain your displeasure with them, the sermon, or the statement made;
  3. Seek the advice of another church leader if the pastor or other leader is unable to provide an explanation for the actions or words made. Describe the circumstance and the reasons you believe it is incorrect;
  4. If the other leader or leaders believe that you are correct in your challenge, then you should go speak with the pastor together with the other church leaders;
  5. The leaders must act to correct the issue or impose sanctions on the pastor if he still refuses to acknowledge his mistakes or to repent.

As for you, you ought to pray for the pastor or elder, and if nothing improves, you might want to think about quitting your church.


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