Was Jesus afraid of sinners?

Did Jesus be afraid of sinners

“And the scribes and Pharisees complained to His disciples, asking, ‘Why do You eat and drink with sinners and tax collectors?'” Luke 5:30.

Jesus deals with any person

Luke 5:27–32 has a wealth of information about Jesus and his distinction from the Pharisees. With a single word from Jesus, the tax collector to whom it was addressed sprang up and [came to follow him].

He made a great deal of money as a tax collector, therefore it was highly unlikely that he would desire to join Jesus. The words of Jesus were authoritative! Furthermore, he was an unlikely candidate for Jesus’ selection given that tax collectors were infamous for their corruption and frequently kept a portion of the money they collected for themselves. Furthermore, they were viewed as traitors as they agreed to work for the Romans, who at the time dominated Israel and were the enemy.

But it seems Jesus can use any person.

Jesus looks at the sinner with love

Jesus accepts the invitation to a party that Levi the tax collector is throwing. He is open to rubbing shoulders with everybody. How dissimilar He is from the Pharisees, who find Jesus’ actions scandalous!

“Why does Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners?” they question his disciples. Now, what do you think Jesus is going to say? He does not say, “These people are actually fine, you know, they aren’t as sinful as you make them out to be,” in response to the Pharisees. Jesus makes no attempt to refute the Pharisees’ assessment. These folks are indeed sinners. They truly experience spiritual illness. Then, however, Jesus makes it clear how He is not like the Pharisees: in Luke 5:32, He says, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Jesus is there also for you!

[No one is rejected by Jesus]. However, He will transform your life once He walks into it.

He stated for sinners to repentance, as you can see. Jesus is actually far scarier in this regard than the Pharisees were. Because your life could be completely turned upside down if you choose to listen to Him when He walks by! You won’t be able to carry on walking in sin if you decide to follow Him in his ways. You hear Jesus say, “Follow Me.” How do you respond? Will you rise and allow Him to transform your life? It’s the greatest thing that could ever occur to you. Your life can be significantly and positively changed by him alone.

Read more in What is the Bible?


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