Must all Christians be baptized?

Does every Christian needs to be baptised?

Is baptism still required of a born-again Christian? “Yes, you must be baptized if you have placed your trust in Jesus,” is the succinct response. Hear what Jesus himself said:

“I have all power, both here on earth and in heaven. Go therefore and make disciples of all peoples, teaching them to do everything that I have commanded you and baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. To the very end of the age, I will undoubtedly be by your side, as stated in Matthew 28:18–20.

Does Jesus limit who can be baptized to a specific location, race, or period of time? No, baptism is reserved for followers of “all nations,” starting in the first century and continuing until “the very end of the age.” The early Christians responded quickly to Jesus’ instruction! When we observe how quickly new Christians were baptized after they initially believed, the book of Acts may surprise us. As an illustration:

  • “Approximately three thousand were added to their number that day, and those who accepted [Peter’s] message were baptized” (Acts 2:41).
  • However, both men and women were baptized once they accepted Philip’s teachings about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. Acts 8:12–13 states that Simon “believed and was baptized himself.”
  • “And the eunuch exclaimed, ‘See, here is water!’ as they approached some water while traveling along the road. What keeps me from receiving baptism? And he gave the order for the chariot to stop, and Philip and the eunuch both entered the water, whereupon he baptized him (Acts 8:36–38).
  • He instantly recovered his vision as something akin to scales fell from his eyes. After that, he got up and became baptized (Acts 9:18).
  • Lydia’s heart was opened by the Lord to receive Paul’s message. She invited us to her home after she and her family members were baptized. Acts 16:14–15.
  • The jailer took Paul and Silas at that hour of the night, cleaned their wounds, and baptized him and his entire family right away. The jailer welcomed them into his home and served them dinner; he was ecstatic that he and his entire family had come to believe in God (Acts 16:33-34).

All genuine Christians ought to have been baptized, according to the remainder of the New Testament (see, for instance, Romans 6:3–4; 1 Corinthians 1:13; 12:13; Galatians 3:27; and Colossians 2:12).

The Bible makes it clear that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8–9), in part because of Jesus’ atoning death for sinners (1 Peter 3:18). The remarkable circumstances surrounding the thief on the cross serve as a reminder of this (see Luke 23:39–43). Of course, baptism isn’t necessary for salvation in and of itself. But since our Lord and Savior has instructed everyone of His disciples to be baptized as a symbol of the salvation He has graciously provided to us, baptism is a prerequisite for obedience to Him.

Tell your pastor and start making plans if you are a Christian and have not been baptized yet.


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