Many people don’t accept God as their King

“They have turned their backs on the Lord, hated the Holy One of Israel, and abandoned Him.” (Isaiah 1:14)

Since God is the Creator of all people, he is the legitimate King of them. But we frequently reject God’s dominion over our lives. Humanity has always naturally revolted against the Lord from Adam and Eve’s first transgression. Isaiah charges that his own people have abandoned God, but he also charges that all other countries have done the same.

Rather than following God’s instructions, Adam and Eve desired to resemble God. Sadly, they were unable to achieve the autonomy they had hoped for with this choice. Rather, they and all of their offspring joined Satan as his slaves after he had seduced them into sin. As stated in Ephesians 2:2, “the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience, the prince of the power of the air, is what all humans are following by nature.” They find themselves imprisoned in the dark realm.

But even if God has abandoned us, humanity has turned its back on Him. If we accept Jesus as our Savior and King, He provides us with a path back to Himself and His Kingdom of joy, peace, and light. After that, we are delivered from Satan’s control and joyfully give ourselves up to the Lord God.

Under whose dominion do you live — God’s or Satan’s?


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