Love each other

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“The only thing we owe each other is love.” (Romans 13:8)

Your love is an unpayable debt. You have more when you offer more.

God commands us to abstain from debt. Unhappy things, debts have a way of getting bigger than we can perceive. It is better off not having it.

This counsel is not meant to mean that we are on our own. We always owe them something else, though, and that is love. We’ll never be able to settle that loan.

There won’t be any cake left over after dividing one. But love cannot be divided; it can only be given. There’s always another chance to express love. Every act of love strengthens a bond between people and gives us the constant need to show love again. Love blossoms when it is given. Holding love back makes it smaller.

God’s economy works like this: the more love we have left over after paying off our obligation to love, the more love we have to give.

Do those in your immediate vicinity perceive you as a kind person?


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