Look back and look forward

Remember the former things, those of long ago…” (Isaiah 46:9)

“Trust in God, for I will give him praise once more.” (Psalm 42:11)

There are going to be happy and sad times in everyone’s life for as long as they live on this planet. We occasionally experience such a deep valley that we run the risk of losing faith in God. When those around us mockingly inquire, “Where is your God?” this gets even worse. (Psalm 42:3–10) or even pose the question to us, “Are you still clinging to your faith? Why don’t you simply die and curse God? (The ERV has Job 2:9).

Psalm 42 offers guidance on how to openly trust God in these kinds of circumstances. First, by keeping in mind all that God the Lord has already accomplished for us. Isaiah 46:9–10, which states, “Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is none other,” also contains this passage.

Secondly, looking ahead can be motivating. The Bible is filled with so many amazing promises, and since we know that God is reliable, we may be certain that these promises will be fulfilled. Compared to eternity, our worldly life is rather brief. Paul is able to declare with confidence in Romans 8:18, “I think that the glory that is to be revealed to us is greater than the sufferings of this present time.”

Do you feel the same way? Does it support your continued confidence?


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