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Living in God’s presence means to communicate with Him


“I cry out to you day and night, O Lord, God of my rescue. Please listen to my cries while I offer you my plea. (Psalm 88:1-2)

Living with someone means that you don’t just ignore them all day. Speaking is a natural instinct. It makes sense for us to speak with God when we are in His presence! We are urged to “pray without ceasing” by the Bible (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This does not imply that we will spend our days in prayer, but rather that we will converse with God constantly while performing our tasks, interacting with others, and going about our everyday lives.

Spending a few minutes in prayer at the beginning of the day is beneficial because it increases your awareness of God’s presence and gives you the proper perspective before facing the challenges of the day. Concluding your day with a little prayer and meditation to give the Lord control over all your worries is also beneficial. However, you don’t have to confine your interactions with God to these times or locations. You are welcome to praise God or offer prayers for anything that comes to mind at any moment. As long as you are in His presence, God is always “within hearing distance.”

Do you communicate with God?

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