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Key Point 7: Freedom is found only in obedience to the Lord Jesus

“Now that you are freed from sin, you are slaves to righteousness.” (Romans 6:18)

One last query that a lot of people ponder is: What gives us our freedom? Does being free imply that we can think and act as we please? Does total independence result in happiness and freedom? Paul says no. Then, according to Romans 6:17, you are actually a slave to your own wicked desires. Because something or someone always influences and motivates us humans. “They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption,” according to Peter, referring to those who support autonomy apart from God (2 Peter 2:19).

But when we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ and let God’s commands guide us, we find that these commands don’t burden and confine us—rather, they give us direction in life. By following these principles, the Holy Spirit desires to assist us in leading happy lives. That’s what real freedom looks like!

Many people thought Paul’s message was “foolish.” The Gospel still provokes opposition because it goes against so many core values and is so countercultural. How does that feel for you? Do you think the seven main ideas we’ve covered are accurate? What practical implications does that have for your life?

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