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Judas betrayed Jesus for money

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“What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” inquired Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, to the chief priests. And they gave him thirty silver pieces in payment. And he started looking for a chance to turn on him right away. Matthew 26:14–16

Jesus had a disciple named Judas Iscariot. He had spent years following Him, paying attention to His teachings and witnessing His miracles. Judas, however, did not put Jesus’ needs ahead of his own. He cherished money above all else, even more than his Master! “Having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it,” according to John 12:6. However, it seems that Judas was not satisfied with this. He hoped Jesus would ascend to the throne in the future. Then His disciples will definitely secure lucrative roles in the Kingdom of Jesus!

However, the Kingdom of Jesus was not earthly. It became evident after three years of ministry that He would not be embraced and cherished, but rather rejected and killed. Judas would not become wealthy in the end despite his friendship with Jesus! Judas chose to betray Jesus to the chief priests in order to vent his disappointment. In this manner, he would guarantee a minimum of thirty pieces of silver, which is the cost of a slave.

Jesus was condemned to death, betrayed, and taken into custody. Judas said, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,” after realizing what had happened. However, his regret was too late. He was unable to retract his betrayal. Judas hanged himself because he was hopeless. His devastation had resulted from his love of money.

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