Jesus was rejected as King

“Should I crucify your King?” Pilate asked them. In response, the chief priests declared, “Caesar is our king.” (John 19:15)

During the time of Jesus, the Israelites were subject to Roman rule. They yearned for independence and political freedom. As a result, when Jesus became well-known, many believed that He was the anticipated Messiah who would reinstate David’s throne, drive out the Romans, and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. For instance, the people intended to come fetch Him and anoint Him as their king after He fed 5,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fish (John 6:15).

He appeared to be the ideal choice to take the throne! But Jesus turned and left. His kingdom was not of this world, as He would later declare (John 18:36). His intention was to create a spiritual kingdom rather than (yet) a political one. In addition to accepting God as their Lord and King, he desired for people to live in an earthly kingdom or empire, frequently ruled by repressive governments. For many, that was a great disappointment. They became disengaged from Jesus and even opposed Him. They called for His death after being incited by the religious authorities.

Do you accept Jesus as your King?


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