Jesus was betrayed by his friend

How to share the Gospel with a friend who is not interested?

“Even my trusted close friend has turned against me, lifting his heel against me.” (Psalm 41:9)

There were twelve disciples of Jesus. Throughout his whole ministry, this group of men accompanied him, and Jesus referred to them as his buddies. However, Jesus was aware that one of them would turn on him.

The claims and teachings of Jesus, which were backed by his miracles, so infuriated the religious authorities in Jerusalem that they devised a scheme to have him killed. Their animosity was evident from the start; all they needed to do was find a way to take him into custody without drawing attention to themselves. One of the twelve disciples, Judas Iscariot, made a pledge to hand Jesus over to them. He had betrayed his Master with a kiss when he had found the chance to do so. Jesus was aware of Judas’ actions. Nevertheless, He said, “Friend, carry out your appointed task.” Matthew 26:50

Being betrayed by a close friend is far more unpleasant than facing animosity! When someone we love and trust turns out to be our enemy, it hurts so much.

Have you ever been treated badly by a close friend?


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