Jesus was a refugee Himself

“In a dream, an angel of the Lord told Joseph to rise, take the Child and His mother, and go to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you to, because Herod is going to search for the Child and destroy Him.” (Matthew 2:13)

In Bethlehem, during Herod the Great’s reign, Jesus was born. Herod was resolved to put an end to this kid as soon as the wise men from the east informed him about the birth of a king. A “king of the Jews” would, after all, present a challenge to his crown! In order to ensure that Jesus was executed as well, King Herod made the decision to execute every baby boy in Bethlehem who was two years old or younger.

However, he had not considered that God would step in. In his dream, an angel forewarned Joseph. Following that, he brought Jesus and Mary to Egypt, where they stayed until Herod’s demise. Therefore, Jesus was a refugee when He was a young boy and was in danger in His own nation.

Satan attempted to obstruct God’s plan of salvation by putting an end to Jesus before He could complete His task. He later attempted to seduce Jesus into committing a sin that would have prevented Him from atoning for the sins of others. When Jesus was crucified, it appeared that Satan had finally prevailed. However, Jesus’ crucifixion was a necessary element of His mission, and He resurrected from the dead! King Herod or Satan could not thwart His work of salvation. God never fails in his intentions.


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