Jesus shows what God is like

“He is the exact reflection of God’s nature and the radiance of His glory.” (Read Hebrews 1:3)

Jesus’ earthly existence was filled with revelations about God. He preached all over Israel for almost three years. However, Jesus demonstrated the nature of God even in silence. Like His Father, He was brimming with grace and truth (see John 1:14). This was evident in His life itself. Jesus was “the exact imprint of His nature,” making Him a living representation of God. He was appropriately referred to as “God with us” since he was most closely associated with God the Father (Matthew 1:22-23).

According to Romans 1:20, God’s creation reveals His eternal power and divine character. Thus, everyone can understand the basics of God. However, Jesus’ coming revealed far more about God’s nature than we could ever infer from it.

God is the ultimate Ruler of the cosmos, all-knowing, and holy. However, Jesus—a man who, for the most part of His earthly life, appeared just like any other—is the one in whom God’s glory is most evident. Because God’s greatest glory is not in His deity but rather in His truthfulness, grace, and unselfish love.

What about God do you think is most glorious? What appeals to you about this?


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