Jesus rules the universe

“And He gave Him authority over everything for the church, placing everything beneath His feet.” (Acts 1:22)

By being born as a human baby, submitting to both His earthly parents and His heavenly Father, enduring shame, mockery, and suffering, and finally dying a horrifying death on the cross, Jesus has profoundly humbled Himself. However, this was all over in “a little while.” After Jesus’ earthly ministry came to an end, God the Father bestowed upon Him honor and glory and subjugated everything beneath Him.

According to Ephesians 1:21, Jesus is now “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion,” both in this age and the next. Thus, not only is He greater than all other entities in the cosmos in terms of “physical power” or willpower, but He also possesses the greatest rank and authority. He is in charge of both spiritual and human rulers.

Additionally, Hebrews 2 states that “we do not yet see everything in subjection to Him.” But things will get better! Jesus’ heavenly reign will come to an end and be clearly seen. Then He will put a stop to all wickedness and totally destroy Satan and his minions.

Do you now acknowledge the reign of Jesus? And do you yearn for its entirety to come to light?


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