Was Jesus born on December 25th?

It seems highly improbable that Jesus was indeed born on December 25, regardless of the history of how the 25th came to be known as Christmas. It is important to remember that Jesus Christ was born, not the exact day. The fact that He came to redeem us from our sins is certainly cause for celebration!

The first Christians did not celebrate Jesus’ birthday

Christians did not observe Jesus’ birthday during the first several decades of his life. Birthday celebrations were regarded as paganic. Christians began to discuss Jesus’ birthdate in 200 AD. At the time, December 25th was not one of the suggested dates. But December 25 had become the official date, and it was probably even quite a bit sooner than 150 years later. However, this was not the case for everyone. The very old Armenian church has continued to celebrate Christmas on January 6th.

How the church got to December 25th

It’s unclear how the church got there on December 25. Many people are aware that the church chose that day to celebrate Christmas in order to compete with two pagan festivals: the “birth of the unconquered sun” and Mithras’ birthday. On the other hand, the emperor only introduced this second holiday in AD 274. Rather than the other way around, it is more likely that the emperor attempted to compete with a date that the church had previously established as Christmas!

The emperor Constantine

Another popular theory holds that in AD 336, Emperor Constantine established the date of Christmas. It is certainly true that Christmas became more well-known as an official holiday as a result of his official acknowledgment of the day. But Christmas was probably certainly observed on December 25th before then. In 312 the Donatists broke away from the rest of the church because they were determined to uphold their ancient customs. But according to a quotation from the church father Augustine, they observed Christmas on December 25th, which would place the holiday’s inception far before 312.

March 25th

A theory that seems weird to current ears is historically more sound. Some early church historians determined that Jesus died on March 25th. It was therefore considered by theologians that March 25th was also the day of Jesus’ conception due to the oneness of the tale of salvation via Jesus. The Annunciation Feast is still observed on March 25 in the Roman Catholic Church. Of course, December 25th falls nine months after March 25th.

Regarding Jesus’ birthdate, we cannot be certain. However, we can be certain of His love for us. And that is the primary concern! “Peace on earth among those who please God, and glory to Him in the highest!”(Luke 2:14).


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