Why are Israel and the Palestinians fighting?

Why are Israel and the Palestines always fighting?

Why are Israel and the Palestinians, the people named in the Bible, currently engaged in the worst conflicts?

The ongoing violence in and around Israel, the nation and people God selected [to send Jesus Christ into the world], is disheartening. Saying that the combat there is “the worst” is exaggerated. It is even worse to fight in the Congo. Syria’s conflict is far more intense. It is even harsher to battle in Burma (formerly known as Myanmar). Still, Israel has been the subject of foreign headlines over the years. It demonstrates that the nation is still abnormal. Israel is the site of God’s unique revelation to humanity, therefore anything that occurs there sparks intense curiosity and strong feelings.

Most important reasons

The following are the two main causes of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and other Arabs living in the surrounding nations: First, the majority of Palestinians do not know God through Jesus. The majority of Jews are unaware of God through Jesus Christ. Sins of every type are to be expected when [God’s Spirit is not reigning] in people’s lives. People will argue and harbor animosity toward one another.

Deeper level

However, a deeper level is also at play. Israel’s policies are frequently carried out by immoral individuals, which makes them immoral themselves—believers in Jesus Christ included! As long as we live on this planet, our faith does not make us perfect. However, the vast majority of the unreasonable animosity is flowing in the opposite way. Numerous Arab groups, including Hezbollah and Hamas, have sworn to eradicate Israel from the face of the planet.

This represents yet another phase in Satan’s endeavor to demolish Israel. During the time of the Bible, Satan attempted to exterminate God’s people by using the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians. Satan appears to still harbor animosity for the Jewish people even after the birth of Christ. It’s obvious that the Holocaust in Europe was demonic.

Demonic aspects

The Middle East battles against Israel are not just about politics; there are demonic elements as well. The twisted theology of Islam, which views Israel as a component of the Islamic world, is one tool used by Satan. In the eyes of the Muslim world, a Jewish state would be an insult to God and would never be accepted.

There will never be political peace in this world until Jesus, the Prince of Peace, returns. However, until then, all are welcome to experience [the incomprehensible peace] that Jesus provides to all who trust in Him. Our mission is to declare that Jesus is the only one who can bring about peace. For Arabs and Jews alike, that is welcome news.


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