Is watching porn a sin?


For centuries, pornography has been used. It is now more accessible than ever thanks to the digital era. Pornography is quite natural for a lot of folks. However, “right” and “normal” are not the same thing. This article attempts to address the question of whether or not pornography is sinful and should be avoided at all costs in God’s view. Additionally, it outlines some grave issues brought on by pornography and offers suggestions for quitting the habit.

Table of Contents

  1. Is watching porn a sin?
  2. Which problems are caused by watching porn?
  3. How can I stop watching porn?

Is watching porn a sin?

Let’s examine what pornography is, what sin is, and how the two are related in order to respond to this question.

What is sin?

The Bible provides numerous illustrations and explanations of sin. Any decision or action that pulls us from the life that God intended for us to live is a useful definition of sin. It entails going against His will and thereby distancing oneself from Him and His noble purposes for humanity.

What is pornography?

The dictionary of Merriam-Webster defines pornography as:

movies, images, publications, etc. that openly and directly depict sex or nude persons in order to arouse sexual desire.

This is an objective, factual account. It says nothing about the morality of pornography.

The word “pornography” is not mentioned in the Bible. It does, however, make reference to the Greek word “porneia,” from which it is derived. This word alludes to sexual immorality, prostitution, fornication, adultery, and other types of filth and perversion. The Greek word “graphe,” which means “many forms of expression,” is the other half of this word. Therefore, we must examine what the Bible says about “porneia” in order to learn about the biblical perspective on pornography.

What does the Bible say about ‘porneia’?

The Bible is very clear here:

  • According to Ephesians 5:3, NIV, “But among you there must not be even the slightest hint of sexual immorality [porneia], of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.”
  • Or are you unaware that the wicked will not inherit God’s kingdom? Don’t be fooled: the kingdom of God will not belong to sexually immoral people (pornoi), idolaters, adulterers, males who practice homosexuality, thieves, the greedy, intoxicated people, revilers, or swindlers (1 Corinthians 6:9–10).
  • “Avoid sexual immorality, or porneia. The sexually immoral individual (porneuon) sins against his own body, while every other evil he commits is done outside of it. Or are you unaware that the Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, resides inside your body as a temple? verses 18–19 of 1 Corinthians 6.
  • “Let marriage be revered by all, and let the marriage bed remain unspoited, for God will judge the adulterous and sexually immoral people.” (Read Hebrews 13:4)

Because “porneia” is a sin and keeps people out of God’s Kingdom, followers of Jesus should avoid it.

Why does the Bible condemn ‘porneia’ so strongly?

God’s design for sexuality is directly opposed by sexual immorality. God intended for a man and a woman to experience sexuality only in marriage. It also has a direct bearing on having kids. As a result, sexuality encompasses not just lust but also love and raising children together. God considers this [the loving bond between a husband and wife] to be extremely valuable.

marriage - sexuality - children

According to the apostle Paul, “This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church” (Ephesians 5:32; see also verses 22–33), it even symbolizes the relationship between Jesus and the church. God created marriage to reflect Christ. This heavenly portrait is harmed by sexual wickedness.

What if I’m just watching porn, not actually committing sexually immorality?

Having lust rather than having sex is the main reason for watching porn. Isn’t that a significant distinction? Yes, it is, but the issue remains essentially the same.

God commanded the Israelites in the Old Testament, “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). Jesus clarified that this ban extended beyond the sinful use of our bodies. According to Matthew 5:27–28, “Everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart,” lust should be treated with the same seriousness as actual adultery. It is always an affair of the mind that leads to an affair of the body. God’s boundaries are already being crossed when we engage in “mental adultery” or view porn. According to Matthew 26:41 and 1 Corinthians 7:1-3, Christ exhorts us to resist all forms of (sexual) temptation, which includes pornography.

Is watching porn a sin?

Pornography does not align with the biblical definition of sex, which is marriage. Pornography is all about utilizing someone else’s body to arouse your lust. In order to satisfy our “desires of the flesh” and to motivate us to desire and objectify people outside of marriage, it takes sex out of the marriage setting. This is unrelated to God’s intended use of sexuality as an expression of wedded love. Consequently, the Bible advises against engaging in “porneia,” which includes viewing pornographic material. It is obviously sinful.

watching - porn - sin

Which problems are caused by watching porn?

If you watch porn, there will be dire repercussions. Allow me to enumerate six:

1. Pornography is guaranteed to damage your marriage

You can count on pornography to ruin your marriage—or, if you’re single, to destroy your chances of ever having a happy marriage. It creates unrealistic and inflated expectations, which lowers your level of happiness with your partner’s physical attractiveness, tenderness, and sexual prowess. In addition, other sexual cravings are not permitted in a marriage since it is intended to be an exclusive partnership between a husband and wife, even when you are “just watching.” It will cause pain to your partner, make them feel inferior, and strain your union.

2. Watching porn leads to distorted perceptions about sexuality.

One of the first things it does is encourage you to think of non-monogamy as typical, natural behavior. However, it goes beyond that.

Porn is becoming a child’s primary source of sexual education for a lot of young children.

Given that violence and abuse are ‘normal’ in nearly all pornographic films (and have become more so in recent years), what message does this send to kids about engaging in sexual relationships? Pornography promotes the objectification and sexualization of women and children, according to a number of studies. It encourages the notion that coercion, rape, and boundary-less sex are acceptable behaviors. This has a significant impact on how people behave “in real life.”

3. Watching porn affects how you see other people.

It permits you to view women and men as mere objects of desire rather than as [humans deserving of respect and affection]. Pornography seeps into every aspect of your life, including your relationships.

4. Watching porn encourages instant self-gratification.

Giving in to this desire results in a lack of the ability to postpone gratification, which is a highly valuable life skill. Studies reveal a significant correlation between binge-watching porn and performing poorly in other spheres of life.

5. Watching porn is highly addictive.

Excessive dopamine consumption as a result causes you to crave more and more. You will eventually need to exert more effort to experience the same degree of thrill. You will therefore have to view more extreme or porn. Like other addictions, this cycle has an impact on your brain.

For more information on this topic, watch this talk:

Furthermore, your primary objective in life should be to become the man or woman God made you to be, yet all addictions prohibit you from doing so. As thousands of individuals do now, a porn addiction takes control of your life.

6. Pornography might be produced and distributed at the expense of individuals (human trafficking)

Covenant Eyes gave the following statistics: per second, 28,258 users watch porn and $3,075.64 is spent on porn on the Internet. High demand is a result of such high rates of consumption.

Pornography is frequently created and disseminated against the wishes of the people who produce it. This is the trafficking of people. Here, the victims are adults as well as children. Human trafficking is the term used to describe any commercial sexual behavior involving kids. It can be more challenging to distinguish between coercion and permission when dealing with adults, but there is still a lot of lying, pressure, and threats involved. Misusing other people in that way for your own selfish gain is unacceptable. To learn more about this subject, go to the Exodus Road website.

How can I stop watching porn?

Many of the people who watch porn regularly would desire to stop. However, that is not simple. Here are six suggestions for quitting porn.

1. Quit completely

You must abstain from porn entirely because it is a sin. Reducing your exposure to pornography is insufficient. That doesn’t fix the issue and won’t function in the first place. You must adopt a radical mindset.

2. Seek help

If you suffer from libido, temptation, pornography, or addiction, talk to a trusted friend or church member about it. Seek assistance; don’t try to succeed on your own. Be open and sincere about your ups and downs, and ask for prayer and advice. If you are alone and have no one to turn to, please get in touch with us using the contact form or the chat icon located in the lower-right corner of the screen.

3. Avoid temptation

Pornography is readily available and can be discovered even when you’re not looking for it.

But you can take some steps to protect yourself.

For example, many people are especially vulnerable when they are tired and alone. They can protect themselves by keeping electronics out of their bedroom. You can install software to protect your devices. (For example, when you are using an Android phone or the Google search engine, you can use “SafeSearch” which will block all sexually explicit content. Web browsers like Firefox also offer add-ons to block porn, or contact your internet service provider for filtering and parental controls they can put in place to reduce the chances of seeing that type of material.) Maybe you need to delete social media apps, if they are a source of temptation for you. This may be inconvenient, but it’s like putting up guardrails to protect yourself. Get to know your weak spots and avoid them.

4. Ask God for strength

[God is stronger than temptation, no matter how strong it is]. The apostle Paul reassures us in 1 Corinthians 10:13, saying, “You have not been overcome by any temptation other than what is common to mankind.” God is dependable; He won’t allow you to succumb to temptation that is beyond your capacity. However, He will also offer a means of escape so that you can resist the temptation.

5. Do not let porn alienate you from the Lord

Do not wait to confess this sin to God if you wish to stop seeing porn but find yourself reverting. “He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we confess our sins” (1 John 1:9). Satan’s primary objective is to drive believers away from God. Instead of giving in to the need to run away from the Lord out of shame and guilt, open up to Him.

6. Remind yourself that God has something better for you

God made us to be in true intimacy. Pornography is just a cheap stand-in for a covenantal, everlasting relationship with your spouse. Never accept anything less than God’s best!


Pornography is forbidden by the Bible because it contradicts God’s plan for sexuality. Furthermore, because it is so addicting, watching porn has a terrible impact on your marriage, how you view sexuality, and even how your brain functions. As such, you ought to absolutely avoid it. Keep in mind that porn can ruin both your life and other people’s!


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