Is the Roman Catholic church a Christian church?

Is the Roman Catholic church a Christian church?

“Yes” is the succinct response to this query. All of the major Christian beliefs, including the Trinity, sin and the need for atonement, Jesus’ death and resurrection, sin forgiveness, the impending judgment, and eternal life, are supported by the Roman Catholic church.

A distinction

The lengthy response is that THE church and other churches are not the same. The holy community of all those whom God has called and who have confidence in Him, regardless of age or location, is the “true” church. Christ is [associated with this church], and He will protect her. This church has no outward boundaries and is owned by no human being.

However, there are also churches, which are the establishments or groups that these individuals congregate in or belong to. Due to their human construction, these places of worship, institutions, and organizations are vulnerable to corruption. particularly as they gain wealth and influence.

Dominant church

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic church dominated the world and caused great harm to a great number of people due to its extreme corruption. For this reason, a movement known as “the Reformation” got started. Its original goals were to return the Roman Catholic church to her historical foundations and eradicate heretical beliefs and practices. Reform was opposed by the Roman Catholic church, which also persecuted the reformers. Afterwards, they founded their own churches. Following their rise to prominence in Northern Europe and North America, these Protestant churches later extended throughout most of the world as a result of missionary work.

But the Roman Catholic Church also underwent upheaval. Certain practices and teachings that the early Protestants objected to are no longer included in church doctrine. There are significant regional variations as well. There are Catholic congregations that adhere far more closely to biblical doctrines than others. The Protestant churches are the same in this regard.

Different questions

There are various questions you may ask yourself if you’re looking for a church and want to know if it’s a decent one to attend.

Does the church hold that we should follow the Bible’s instructions because it contains divine wording? Do they adhere to the core principles of Christianity? Take the “Apostles’ Creed,” for instance. Are the leaders sincere, modest, prudent, and exemplary Christians? Is it encouraged for people to read and study the Bible? Do they treat members of the church well, particularly the frail? Do they possess the guts to say no to what is incorrect? Do church traditions aid individuals in worshiping Jesus and leading holy lives? Do they have mercy? Do they share the gospel with non-churchgoers? Here are a few indicators of a church’s health. But keep in mind that THE church is never restricted to a single institution or


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