Is masturbation a sin?

Is masturbation a sin?

We must pose another query before addressing the one of whether or not masturbating is sinful. Why do we wish to be aware that something is immoral? It is crucial to understand that these kinds of inquiries will occasionally be raised by people who are genuinely ignorant of what the Bible says about a particular subject. However, there are those who wish to debate these issues and use them as an excuse for their own immorality.

What is sin?

Even if the Bible mentions sin and refers to it as “lawlessness” (cf. 1 John 3:4), we still need to explain sin in light of holiness and the process of progressive sanctification. “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator,” is how the apostle Paul beautifully describes practical holiness in Colossians 3:9–10.

“The new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator,” is how Paul refers to progressive sanctification. Considering holiness from this constructive perspective could be beneficial. To be holier is to grow closer to Jesus. Sanctification is more than just abiding by religious precepts. It implies that Christians will serve as mirrors for the purity and moral excellence of Christ.

Do you want to be like Jesus?

Do you want to be like Jesus? is the first question that needs to be addressed. Because you don’t struggle with sin if you don’t want to be formed in the likeness of Jesus Himself. If you do not love Christ, you will never be able to overcome sin. If you do not honor the Christ who offered His life as a ransom for many, you will not progress in holiness (Mark 10:45). Any Christian will tell you that your desire for sin decreases as you place more and more emphasis on Christ. “Is this a sin?” is not a question you should be asking yourself if you want to become more holy. Is there anything that helps you become more like Christ?

Holiness and sexuality

Let’s apply this idea to the subject of sexuality. Does the Bible consider masturbation to be sinful? Once more, consider if engaging in this behavior—masturbation in this case—makes you more like Jesus Christ. Is it really true that you are becoming more like Christ because you indulge in excessive eating? Not really. The Bible makes no mention of allowing or encouraging people to enjoy the gift of sex on an individual basis.

Our culture demands that everything be enjoyed by the individual, including sexuality. The key to living a Christian life is imitating Jesus’ generosity. He offered Himself. He arrived in order to serve (Matthew 20:28). Thus, a husband and wife are expected to give oneself to one another in marriage. They are, in fact, called to share in the gift of sexuality given by God. The key to a good sexual life is giving yourself to your partner for their enjoyment, and your partner giving themselves to you for your enjoyment. For this reason, it is impossible to separate sexuality from other facets of marriage. Not just physically, but emotionally as well, you become one flesh.

Don’t take sexual pleasure for yourself

Thus, refrain from enjoying sexual pleasure for yourself if you are married. Give your partner your whole self. Furthermore, according to 1 Corinthians 7:1–5, if you are single, the Bible advises you to [search for a godly husband] and discover the key to giving in every aspect of marriage. Above all, pray for the gift of self-control and the strength of God’s Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:23).


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