What does the Bible say about karma?

What does the Bible say about karma?

The Bible does not teach karma. The central tenet of many eastern religions is karma. The concept of karma holds that you get what you sow. You experience wonderful things in life because of your actions, and negative things occur because of your actions. There are two applications for this idea. In the beginning, it mostly applied to good and evil deeds that led to a favorable or unfavorable fresh rebirth (next life). The term “karma” is used these days, particularly by Westerners, to describe the good or bad things that come your way in this life as a result of something you did in a previous life. The word “karma” is not used in the Bible in either of these senses.

You only live once

The thought that actions now will result in being reborn in a good or bad life later on, is not biblical because the Bible teaches we only live once, after which God judges us (Hebrews 9:27). This is the fundamental difference between the Christian faith and eastern religions. In eastern religions everything goes round and round and round. There is no beginning and no end to world history. But Christians profess that God has created the earth and our lives; and that He in the end will create a new earth. In between those two moments, all people live once. They get the opportunity once to get to know God. Everyone who has faith in Him will have eternal life on the new earth. This is what gives our lives importance and purpose, which is lacking when you believe in karma.

You reap what you sow?

The Bible appears to teach something more in line with the opposite meaning of the word karma, which holds that you reap what you sow in this life. Even the statement “God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap” appears in Galatians 6:7. At first glance, it appears to be karma. There are, nevertheless, significant variations.

  • The Bible teaches that there is a personal God who rewards and punishes, not just an impersonal force of cause and consequence.
  • The proverb “you sow, you reap” is not necessarily applicable in this life, according to what the Bible teaches. It might only come to pass at the judgment following death.
  • Karma cannot be avoided. However, God is able to forgive because He is a human. If we put our faith in Jesus, we are spared the punishment for our transgressions. Ultimately, this represents the most significant distinction. Karma determines one’s fate. However, God has extended grace to us by Jesus Christ.

Karma informs us that your actions shape who you become. That is true—unless you believe in Jesus, God informs us. What Jesus has done defines who you will be if you believe. The decision of whether to pursue the Gospel or karma is one that everyone of us must choose.


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