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Is it true that there is a new Jerusalem in heaven?

Is there a new Jerusalem in heaven?

According to the last book of the Bible, Christ and His people will reside in the new Jerusalem, also known as the Holy City, which will descend from heaven at the end of time:

Afterwards, I saw a new earth and a new heaven since the old earth and heaven had vanished and the sea had disappeared. And I seen the holy city, or new Jerusalem, descend from heaven, decked up for her husband like a bride. And from the throne, I heard a loud voice proclaiming, “Behold, God has made man his dwelling place.” They will be His people, He will live among them, and God will be among them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death and grief and pain will both cease to exist since the previous things have passed away. (Revelation 21:1-4)

Although it is difficult to determine how literally the Bible interprets the new Jerusalem, it does speak of a new heaven and earth. It appears that the new Jerusalem will have both a physical and spiritual aspect. Revelation 21 and 22 give a detailed account of it, however some of the details might just be word pictures hinting to realities that are too complex for us to fully comprehend at this time. What matters most, though, is that Christ and His people will reside in resurrection bodies together in perfect joy and peace following the ultimate judgment. from Jerusalem has been associated with the location of God’s presence from ancient times, the area where they reside is referred to as the new Jerusalem figuratively.

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