Is it right for a Christian to marry an unbeliever?

Can you marry an unbeliever?

This is a delicate topic. Examining the Scriptures will point us in the correct path.

Warning against marrying an unbeliever

Marrying an unbeliever is warned against in the letter of Paul to the Corinthians: “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14). Although this verse was probably not particularly written with marriage in mind, it is most certainly relevant for marriage. Paul teaches us to keep ourselves pure from the idolatrous practices of the world. Yoking closely with an unbeliever will make it very hard for a believer to walk with God and not fall into temptation. We are taught to pray: “Lead us not into temptation” (Matthew 6:13), but by marrying an unbeliever you walk into it of your own accord. Marrying an unbeliever qualifies for being very closely yoked to an unbeliever. When you marry, you form a new unity: Genesis 2:24.

Placed into the kingdom of light

You were transferred from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of light upon placing your faith in Christ (Colossians 1:13). Then, how could you maintain a friendship with someone who is still under the power of evil? You won’t be able to discuss with him or her the most significant aspect of your life: your spirituality [your relationship with Jesus]. In regards to your children’s spiritual upbringing, it will also be difficult to reconcile with your spouse once you have children.

Give him or her time to get to know the Gospel

When you start having a relationship with an unbeliever and it develops into a more intimate relationship, you could give him or her time to get to know the Gospel. In some countries it is very hard to find a husband or wife who is a Christian, because there are so few of them. In that case it is a good idea to have your fiance(e) meet with the pastor or an elder of your church and offer him or her the opportunity to study the person of Christ. Of course nobody can force him or her to convert to Christianity and there is a danger that he or she will become a ‘Christian’ because of you, but at heart remains a nonbeliever. Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you in this matter and be prepared to trust and obey him.

Do you accept God’s word as authoritative?

In situations such as these, the most important question is: [Do you accept God’s word as authoritative], even when it comes to more delicate topics in your life? Do you entrust everything in your life to Him? Give yourself over to Him [to guide you] and have faith that His ways are the best. Examine the following verses carefully: Psalm 32:8–11, Proverbs 3:6–8, and Psalm 95:7–11. One thing unites all these passages: genuine joy can only be found by putting your trust in God.


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