Is it possible that there are aliens in the Bible?

Does the Bible speak about aliens?

The creation of the earth, planets, and heavens—which encompasses both our universe and any other cosmos that might exist—is described in the Bible. As the only entities named in the Bible with life, intelligence, and the capacity for social interaction, God created man, animals, and angels. Therefore, the quick answer to the question “Is it possible that there are aliens based on the Bible?” is no.

Hebrews 4:13 reminds us that nothing is concealed from God’s sight and that everything must account to God. The Bible does mention living creatures (in Ezekiel) that do not seem to mirror anything that we know of in the world or in our understanding of angels. Thus, despite the fact that some people believe the book of Ezekiel to be evidence of extraterrestrial life, we know that both Ezekiel and all living things were in the presence of God. God’s creativity knows no bounds, and there are undoubtedly a great deal of things that we have never heard of or seen that are much beyond our capacity to understand.

The Bible gives us reasons why God created everything

The Bible explains [why] God created all that is seen in our earth and through space exploration, including all of the planets, stars, angels, humans, and animals.

  1. To glorify Him (Psalm 19:1)
  2. For us, the sun, moon, and stars were made to indicate the passing of time, seasons, and days (Gen 1:14–19).
  3. To display God’s splendor to all of mankind (Psalm 8:1, 3, 9)
  4. In order for mankind to become acquainted with God and recognize His greatness through all that He has made, three things must occur. Romans 1:18–20

All of creation was impacted by man’s sin and disobedience to God (Romans 8:20–22). According to God’s ultimate plan, all of creation—including every planet and star—shall be destroyed when Jesus Christ comes, and a new earth and heaven will be created in their place. Revelation 21:1 and 2 Peter 3:7–10

The Bible does not mention a parallel reality; instead, it tells us about God’s interactions with humans. Only heaven and hell, two locations other than Earth, make reference to the existence of life. The Bible tells us that these two locations are related to our world because everyone who lives here will eventually go to one of these locations.


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