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Is God a God of revenge or a God of love?


God is a God of vengeance, not a God of revenge, which is a distinction. A person exacting revenge is motivated by a personal grievance they have felt or experienced. It frequently goes much beyond the pain of the initial crime and is nasty and nasty. Honor, justice, and righteousness are all related to vengeance.

God of love

The nature of God is [love]. He calls us to [follow Him] because He cares about every human being and understands that this is the way to ultimate satisfaction, joy, and happiness.

God is righteous

Because they are just, moral, and reasonable, God has created the laws, regulations, and boundaries that humans must abide by in order to live in harmony with one another and with God.

God’s justice

The Bible says that everyone and everybody who disobeys God’s commands, regulations, and boundaries [shall face punishment]; there is no exception. Regretfully, everyone on the planet disobeys his commands, and as a result, they all face God’s rightful punishment. But [God provides an escape for us].

God’s vengeance

Vengeance is associated with righteousness, justice, and honor, as was previously mentioned. Everyone who sins against God, disobeys his commands, and violates his laws will get God’s wrath. God tells his people in Deuteronomy 32:35, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” God clarifies that He will punish those who do evil later in the passage.

We shall discover that, as Christians and as persons who love and trust God, we are frequently mistreated, persecuted, sinned against, or injured by other people. God wants us to know that He is aware of all that is done against us and that He will take action on our behalf to exact revenge on those who have harmed us. It is not our place to enforce the law on our own. This would be retaliation, and people typically get upset when they take revenge and won’t stop until they are satisfied and no longer angry. One simply needs to watch or read the news to witness how quickly retaliation for wrongs done to oneself can spiral out of control.


All people should expect to be penalized for disobeying the laws of their country, just as children would receive discipline or punishment from their parents when they do something they know is wrong. This is fair and proper.

God repeatedly warns us in His word, the Bible, that people who sin against him will face consequences. This is God acting in a just and morally upright manner.

God DOES love people, and he rewards those who submit to him. Furthermore, God is a God of vengeance—not of revenge. Those who sin against him or disobey him will receive the proper punishment from him.

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