Inner beauty

“Let your ornament be the inscrutable beauty of a calm and gentle spirit, which is very precious in God’s eyes—the hidden person of the heart.” (1 Peter 3:4)

Women typically appreciate exterior embellishments such as clothes and jewelry. In addition, guys are typically drawn to attractive women. That’s excellent. One thing that God has given to humans is external beauty. He gave each creature its own unique beauty rather than making humans, animals, and plants merely functional. Furthermore, physical desire might be welcomed into a marriage and seen as a divine blessing.

However, the apostle Peter cautions his readers against placing an undue emphasis on outward beauty, as though that were the most significant aspect of existence. No, he asserts, God values “the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit” far more.

The Bible frequently discusses the value of inner beauty over outer beauty. Because the Lord looks on the heart rather than the outward appearance, He sees differently from man. Samuel 16:7. Allow this to inspire you to put more emphasis on the purification and metamorphosis of your heart rather than (only) on outward ornamentation. It’s not a project you can tackle on your alone. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” is one way we can pray to God for assistance. (Psalm 51:10).

Do you really value your inner beauty more than your external attractiveness?


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