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I am the door of the sheep

“I am the door of the sheep.” (John 10:7)

Jesus makes the analogy between people and sheep, which is common in the Bible. Sheep are generally defenseless creatures. They require defense against wild animals and “thieves and robbers” (verse 8), particularly at night. Thus, the safe sheepfold is the finest place to stay the night.

Jesus used this imagery in this passage. He positions himself as the only way to reach safety, the “door of the sheep.” He may also ensure that only sheep enter the sheepfold because He is the door. Everyone who could hurt them is excluded.

Naturally, Jesus spoke about people rather than actual sheep. He provides us with protection from sin, death, spiritual enemies, and worldly threats. “Whoever comes in through me will be saved” (verse 9). And the only door open is Jesus. “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved,” the Bible states unequivocally (Acts 4:12).

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