I am the bread of life

“I am the bread of life” (John 6:35)

The Israelites spent years living in the desert while traveling from Egypt to Canaan. There, according to Exodus 16, God delivered them bread from heaven. The Israelites have never lost sight of their divine endeavor. They now want Jesus to demonstrate that He is not just a regular person by performing a comparable deed.

However, Jesus responds to them in a surprising way. He claims that the bread that God offers is actually Him. “I am the life’s bread; whoever approaches me will not go hungry.”

Jesus fulfills people’s deepest spiritual yearnings and feeds them spiritually. They no longer have to hunger since Jesus provides them with plenty.

He goes on to say, “Anyone who eats of this bread will live forever.” And my flesh is the bread that I will give for the life of the world. These remarks lack clarity. However, it soon became evident that Jesus did in fact give up his life—his “flesh”—in order to save humanity. By dying in their place, Jesus made them an offer of eternal life.

Have you already eaten from this “bread of life”?


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