How will the resurrection body be?

resurrection body

All the dead will be revived when Jesus returns [at the end of time]. (Daniel 12:2) Some will be elevated to eternal life, and some to disgrace that never goes away. Which organization you belong to will determine the makeup of your resurrection body. The most significant question of your life is that one!

The bodies of the condemned

Jesus’ remarks, “Fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28), may have been his most sincere ever. Contrary to popular belief, this has nothing to do with the devil. Since God is the one who judges, everything is about God. This scripture teaches us that there is a body for those who are destined to hell. The Bible says in Revelation 20. The dead all come back to life. John then describes what he saw: “And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne […] whoever’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:12; 20:15).

The bodies of the condemned are not extensively described in the Bible. According to Jesus, “their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched” for those who are in hell (Mark 9:48). This is an image of ongoing agony, not a literal account of it. The fact that the bodies of the damned allow for eternal suffering is the most significant thing we know about them. But God provides an escape from that terrible afterlife. All who place their faith in Jesus shall be raised to eternal life.

The bodies of the believers

The bodies of the believers will also be raised from the dead. About this resurrection body, we now know a great deal more. Allow me to highlight some of the key lessons regarding the believers’ bodies rising from the dead that are found in the New Testament.

1. There is much the same between the old and the new body

Paul states, “We shall all be changed,” in reference to believers who are still living upon the return of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:52). Therefore, the ancient bodies are kept. Though altered, the body remains the same. It is still recognizable, just as Jesus was after his resurrection (John 20:16). That is its enduring quality. It still possesses flesh and bones, just as Jesus did (Luke 24:39), and it can still eat and drink, just like Jesus did following his resurrection (Luke 24:43). Though there won’t be marriage (Matthew 22:30), there will still be males and females, as well as many ethnic groups (Revelation 7:9).

2. In the resurrection body we will be like Jesus after his resurrection

He “will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body,” according to Philippians 3:20–21.

3. In the resurrection body, we cannot die again

As stated in 1 Corinthians 15:42, it is impervious. Therefore, resurrection is not an opportunity for redemption. It is everything we have ever wanted and dreamed about. Everything will be flawless. We shall not know death in the resurrection body, nor will we know grief, lamentation, or suffering (Revelation 21:4).

4. In the resurrection body, we will be glorious (1 Corinthians 15:43)

Moses in the Old Testament was such a reflection of God’s glory that people were unable to gaze directly at him. We shall be even more glorious in the body that will rise (2 Corinthians 3:11).

5. In the resurrection body, we will be able to do much more than we can do now

Our current bodies are weak in comparison to our bodies after resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:43). One of the abilities we appear to get from the resurrection body is the freedom to travel freely, unhindered by walls or distance. That was the case with Jesus, at least (John 20:19), and we may very possibly acquire the same capacity if our bodies resemble his.

6. In the resurrection body, we will be focused on doing God’s will

A “spiritual body” will be ours (1 Corinthians 15:44). The resurrection body is composed of bones and flesh, as previously stated. Therefore, being “spiritual” does not imply being any less biological. This indicates that it doesn’t present us with temptations to turn away from God. It is true of our current body that “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak,” but not of the body that will rise from the dead. Our bodies will be the ideal tools for carrying out God’s purpose there, and we will always be prepared to accomplish it. That is what being a “spiritual body” entails.

How will the resurrection body be?

Your wonderful, powerful, imperishable body will be raised from the dead if you believe in Jesus, and it will be the ideal tool for serving God. You will still be you, but after Jesus is raised from the dead, your body will resemble his. So put your faith in him and anticipate this everlasting splendor!


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